Looking for online definition of PAR or what PAR stands for? Define par ( abbreviation ) and get synonyms. What is par ( abbreviation )? PAR Business abbreviations defined.
This Internet Slang page is designed to explain what the meaning of PAR is.
This abbreviation is usually found in proof reading, editing or note taking. You might abbreviate the word paragraph to par. PAR , passive avoidance reaction. ABBREVIATIONS : MEANING:.
Ordonnances royaulx sur le faiet de la justice et abbreviation des proces par tout Royaulme de France faictes pour le Roy nostre sire. Short for par value, par can refer to bonds, preferred stock, common stock or currencies, with different meanings depending on the context. PAR is one of the more important factors to consider when considering, comparing, or otherwise evaluating aquarium lighting.
The term PAR is an abbreviation. List of provincial act abbreviation codes used on court lists. Abbreviation of Provincial Legislation.
It is possible that Par is a derivative of the term Faux Pas, which in french . Get the Business definition of PAR by All Acronyms dictionary. Top Definition: Precision . Definition of par - The number of strokes a first-class player should normally. PAR acronym and PAR abbreviation.
Main definitions of par in English. Mid 19th century abbreviation. Non- par : Not participating (out-of-network). Common abbreviations of music sets, e. Avoid beginning a sentence with an abbreviation or acronym. Learn about the differences between participating ( par ) and non-participating ( non- par ) providers.
A health care provider can choose to enter . Medical abbreviations are available from Dr.
Prefixes and Roots Denoting. Somebody else comes up with a new quality acronym to throw you off your game. P-A-R is an abbreviation for “Proper Attire Requested” which is the name of a concept store in the heart of Copenhagen that curates high end second hand . PARP, Poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase. R is a written abbreviation meaning king or queen.
R is used as an abbreviation for words beginning with r. For example, it is used . The abbreviations page provides a definition of the abbreviations used in. PAR - and PAR -are receptors to which thrombin binds, PAR -is . Performance and Accountability Report. Program Acceptance Review.
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