tirsdag den 4. juli 2017

In abstractmysqldriver php line 121 an exception occurred in driver could not find driver

In abstractmysqldriver php line 121 an exception occurred in driver could not find driver

I believe php -mysql package missing in your system. Install the package using the command sudo apt- get install php -mysql. An exception occurred in driver : could not find driver In PDOConnection. Configure your db driver and server_version in config/packages/doctrine. DriverException in AbstractMySQLDriver.

Edited November 2 20by Selwyn Orren ( see edit history). Where will insert the pcre folder? This error shows that UTFis not supported by your system. WolfSoul: I tried to reproduce the error with 7. I bet it is helpful for such a migration even if it does not mention UCS. After install spreedme I cannot press Generate Spreed WebRTC.

Get this error when calling the app:. Array) var/www/nextcloud/lib/public/AppFramework/Db/Mapper. This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large.

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