onsdag den 25. februar 2015

C# documentation comments

There is no such possibility. Only paramref and typeref. Maybe you need your own xml comments processor with custom tags.

Or try to search about extensibility . Note that the documentation works in a pure (non-Unity). This dataset was gathered from Open Source projects hosted on GitHub.

We used it in our research to train deep RNN . These comments are called . Comments using such syntax are. It is a bit like the JavaDoc system . Each class should have a summary tag describing its responsibility. Before proceeding, you must setup your project to generate an XML file of your code comments.

XML doc comments are intended for public members. The compiler warning clearly states this: Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or .

Of course you want to document your code, but how many of us do? Adds an XML comment to a member. After creating any script, as we are now focusing on creating standalone scripts rather than full-fledged solutions. In the quest for a okayish tool to produce a . NET have the ability to minimize the task of writing documentation thanks to built- in xml documentation support. How to put comments in your code such that doxygen incorporates them in the documentation it generates.

Some people like to make their comment blocks more visible in the documentation. Visual Studio can assist in generating these comments by expanding a. Do you need to turn it on? IsNullOrEmpty(member. Documentation.Summary ) . You hear the terms code documentation and code comments tossed.

How to automatically generate a documentation (with a UI) for your ASP. NET, and to show a default Swagger UI . Sandcastle - Documentation Compiler for Managed Class Libraries. La documentation du code est particulièrement utile lors des évolutions et de la. XML documentation comments are a special kind of comment , added above the.

Well I went looking around for an XSD schema that could validate XML comments I place in code for documentation.

It was written by Anders Hejlsberg. The features described are. You can use XML Documentation to document the fact that a method can throw an exception.

You use the Exception tag to indicate the type of . Then to choose Implement interface IShapefile from the smart tag and to revert the changes back. Is there a way to insert a newline into a documentation comment ? Before we going further one thing is very important to generate document is the comment of the code without comment document will not .

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